Common E-Commerce SEO Myths + Mistakes

I have talked about SEO on this podcast already a bunch of times. And I know this will not be the last, but today. I really want to talk about some common e-commerce SEO myths and mistakes. People are making their SEO on their shop websites. There's just so much we can talk about when it comes to SEO. And I'm really excited to go into some of these things that maybe you're not quite understanding. And so we'll debunk some myths. We'll talk about the mistakes and what you should do instead. 

Common E- Commerce SEO Myths + Mistakes Shop Owners Make Podcast episode from Product Powerhouse Podcast

My whole goal in talking about SEO is to simplify it for you. I absolutely understand that SEO is this overwhelming idea that a lot of people don't understand. They think it's really technical. And, I want to simplify that for you. This is why I have a course called Simplified SEO for Shop Owners, because yes, there are a lot of things about SEO. There are a lot of technical pieces in some different types of SEO, but you don't need to focus on that aspect of your business strategy. At this point in time. There's a lot you can do on your website with your product listings, with the content you have. You don't have to be that like super tech wiz to get results from SEO. 

So we're going to talk about the myths and the mistakes people are making. I'll tell you what you should do instead. 

We’ve also talked about these topics on the blog before and you check those out too. 

The Four Worst SEO Mistakes Shop Owners Make All The Time

Five Ridiculous SEO Myths To Ignore Today

Other podcast episodes about SEO that you might want to check out.

Give Your Shop A Visibility Boost

You might also like this podcast episode by my friend, Cinthia of Digital Bloom IQ - Three SEO Myths in 2019 (they are still relevant!)





Show Notes

Work with Erin!

Simplified SEO Course

This blog post contains affiliate links.

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